Household Roots

Helping you give your children a well-rounded, whole-child education at home. 

Re-Think Education

Home education looks different than conventional schooling. That’s one of the many benefits of homeschooling. Embracing these differences makes a homeschool atmosphere more joyful and allows you to focus on educating your whole child - mind, body, and spirit.

Create Strong Family Ties

Home-based education gives families the chance to spend more time together. This creates more opportunities to build strong family relationships.

The Beauty of Free Time

Home education gives kids the gift of free time - time to play, work on projects, and pursue their own unique interests and hobbies.


Household Roots

Household Roots provides resources and encouragement to homeschooling families who want to do more than re-create the public school system at home.  Our goal is to help you create a home education experience you and your children can enjoy together.


What is TEWC education?

TEWC stands for ‘total environment, whole child’.  The ideas behind a TEWC education provide a foundation that helps you create a homeschool environment where your entire family can thrive together.  Whether you’re new to homeschooling or you already have years of experience, we want to help you make the most of these years you have with your children.